The Stories

The anthology is comprised of seven short films spanning from 1957 to 2019


Directors’ Statement

As BIPOC & LBGTQIA+ women, we are joining forces and creating an anthology that will highlight the constant waves of patriarchy that women have faced forever.

As we came together we each asked ourselves, “What is a story we would want the world to know of our history as women?” With this feature anthology, we have each found a way to tell stories that have largely been left out of our media. Having the boundary of being under the same roof, it has given us the freedom to really get creative and look into the women’s fears that have been carried from past decades to today.

Our unique genres and styles will be unified through our creative team, which will work collaboratively through cinematography and production design. We have intentionally woven in motifs and callbacks throughout our film to draw the viewer to participate in our cohesive world. The house is a character changing and growing with each family and time period, allowing us to explore the universal theme of home and what it means to each of us.

There isn’t one single “American” experience, as the diversity among the directors can attest to. Like the roller coaster of American history, Through the Blinds expresses universal themes and conflicts such as white colonialism, forced sterlization, home invasions, and suburban isolation. We are pulling back the curtain on stories that have largely been left untold and that are also very personal to us.

In this film, we see our mothers, we see our aunts, we see our friends, and we see ourselves.